Stability Ball Specialist

Located in Zephyrhills, FL
Located in Zephyrhills, FL
Call Us Today

Effective Stability Ball Programs

Take Part in an Innovative Stability Ball Program

Perhaps the most versatile, dynamic pieces of exercise equipment available in the industry, stability balls offer a tremendous opportunity to improve your health in a fun, dynamic environment. Begin your training with one of our professionals today!

Dynamic Stability Ball Training for Dramatic Health Benefits

  • Increase balance, flexibility, core strength, and more
  • Regained focus on muscle control
  • Develop relaxation and balance techniques
  • Rehab and muscle control programs for children with autism or brain injuries
  • Rehab and muscle control programs for those with Parkinson's, cerebral palsy, or who have suffered from a stroke or other neuromuscular injury

Work With Our Certified Stability Ball Trainer

You'll work directly with our ISFTA-certified stability ball trainer during every session. Backed by 21 years of massage therapy experience and our special training, you can be sure that you're receiving nothing less than the best instruction possible with every visit.

Give us a call today at 813-780-2242 to learn more about our stability ball programs!
Visit Gulf Coast Wellness & Massage Therapy to learn more about our stability ball programs! 40916 Marx Avenue
We provide weekend appointments for your convenience. Get all the benefits of our personalized stability ball training services today!
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